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Her story struck me so hard that tears began to run down my cheeks like a waterfall. She is just 22 years and had already been through 6 relationships: 3 of which ended in very painful heartbreaks. Now, she is on the verge of ending another, so painfully because it turns out the man involved is already a husband and even a father to one and an unborn life.

“Why do ~men~ (people) cheat? Why lie to two people you claim to love so ardently? See, Doc, he has a lie to answer every question. How can a person lie with so much emotions? Now, I can’t even believe it if someone talks love to me. Memories of him all over me: he is all I think of when my mind takes a tour and those thoughts keep pulling me back. Every single second, I wish I never knew the truth. Yet, what is not mine can never be mine. He knew my story. Yet, he still went ahead to play with my emotions. If this doesn't fall under the category of wickedness, then what does? Tell me, Doc, what does? That man called love... ”

 She continued, rolling over in my couch in tears like a newly acknowledged widow. I tried hard to calm her down: giving her tissues to wipe her tears and blow her nose as I thought to myself “Love is not meant to be this wicked, is it?”

 I have seen marriages break for several reasons; heard many love stories end sour; and many disheartening experiences but the worst of them all are the liars who deceive others: both their innocent wives / husbands and their stupid side babes. What, at all, is their problem?

 Now, imagine this girl was telling her story to you. What is the amount of words that you can apply on her wounds to make her feel better? If she should survive this fall, do you think she can ever trust the words of any man (genuine ones inclusive)? When we see murderers get arrested for their crimes, so many thoughts rush through our heads: some even manage to appear on our lips. How could a person pick a knife to kill his own brother; Is he mad; Was he spiritually influenced or he is on drugs? Well, they are paying for their crimes now because their murder was physical. We forget that by engaging in acts like these, we kill the souls and consciences of the innocent parties involved.

 I bet your spouse didn’t force you to marry: even if he/she did, you still had every right to say “No”. Yet, you chose to say “Yes”. Now, enjoy your fire. If you think you don’t like the way it burns, quench it. The most annoying ones are those who aren’t even married to their partners, yet. Why so many lies? Let me pause here…
Now, think about this: As religious people, the only thing allowed to break a home is adultery… Fine. If your spouse is making you go insane, do you think cheating on him/her now becomes a solution? You are a liar. Think again! Your sin is rather liable for a divorce, confess!

 Let me end with something that should make you think twice before that sweet four-letter word (LOVE) zooms out of your lips, the next time. Love is a beautiful thing: That man called love is patient and kind; it does not take advantage of others; it does not lie; it does not cheat; it does not kill nor make others miserable. If you don’t respect the word, don’t misuse it, as well.


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